Five Star Sustainability


As a luxury hotel, we are committed to providing top-level standards of service and facilities, while adhering to the principles of sustainability, without compromising the 5-star experience we offer to our guests.
Written Policy Statement for Environmental Management

It is the shared commitment of the management and owners of the Four Seasons Cyprus to ensure optimal environmental management in its operation.

Recognising the impact of tourism on natural resource availability and climate change, we will work to ensure that the Four Seasons incorporates energy saving devices where possible, ensure responsible waste management, avoid pollution, and encourage customers to respect and participate in the efforts to minimise the environmental impacts of the operation.

The primary goals related to environmental management are therefore as follows:

1. Certification
In order to satisfy broader sustainability criteria including the socio-economic impacts and staff welfare, Travelife Gold award standard to be regained for the future.

2. Electricity Supply and Management
The Four Seasons has set target electricity consumption at 38 kilowatt hours per guest night. Operationally, the hotel will undertake the following:

  • - Ensure that all heavy and light equipment purchased in the future is rated as energy-efficient
  • - Ensure all staff are trained as appropriate in energy conservation

3. Electrical saving initiatives
Throughout the operation, The Four Seasons Cyprus will ensure optimal energy efficiencies, by undertaking the following:

  • - Low energy light bulbs or LED lights will be used in all public areas, accommodations and back-of-house areas
  • - Lights in public rest rooms, corridors, basements and staff areas will be equipped with infra-red motion sensors.
  • - Outdoor lighting will be controlled by light sensors and timers
  • - All accommodation will feature flat screen TV’s with low standby consumption (maximum 25 W/h). and low energy refrigerators

4. Water Supply and Management
The Four Seasons Cyprus has and will continue to, without compromising guest comfort or health and safety, further incorporate water saving devices and procedures to minimise overall water consumption. It will set target water consumption at 480 litres per guest night.

5. General water saving initiatives
All accommodation taps and showers will be equipped with water flow restrictors, as follows:

  • - 6 litres per minute for bedroom taps
  • - 9 litres per minute for bedroom showers
  • - 4 litres per minute for public toilet taps

All toilets will be fitted with dual flushes

6. Hot water supply
All hot water for accommodation, wherever possible, is produced from:

  • - Solar panels
  • - Heat recovery from the Air Conditioning system
  • - Diesel Boiler (as back up only)

7. Waste Management
The hotel will minimise solid waste production in all areas of the hotel, and encourage customers to join the recycling programme. Specifically, it will:

  • - Purchase in bulk to avoid excess packaging
  • - Minimise the use of paper and plastic for customers
  • - Aim to recycle or compost all glass, paper, cardboard, oils, plastic and food waste.

8. Chemical Use
Wherever possible, the hotel will avoid the use of chemicals. It will ensure safe disposal of all chemicals that are in use, and work towards zero use within two years of operation.

Signed: Angelos Illambas, Chief Engineer, Four Seasons Cyprus

Written Policy Statement for Human Resource Management

It is the shared commitment of the management and owners of the Four Seasons Cyprus to ensure that all our employees are afforded excellent possible working conditions at all times. We believe our employees are our greatest assets, and recognize our ethical as well as legal responsibilities to take care of them. We believe that by treating our employees well, they in turn will continue to take the very best care of our customers.

The primary goals therefore related to our human resource management are as follows:

1. Certification
In order to satisfy broader human resource management criteria, we have achieved Investors in People Silver standard and Travelife award standard, both will be developed and maintained for the foreseeable future. In 2018 we will be assessed for IiP Gold Standard.

2. Recruitment
The Four Seasons Cyprus will ensure that a fair system is in place so that all applicants for available positions are fairly considered. The Hotel will not discriminate in any way and welcomes applications from all candidates regardless of their race, age, sex, nationality, disability or religion.

3. Contract
Throughout the period of employment, the hotel will have a contract that meets as a minimum the regulations as stipulated by national law

4. Induction and Training
The Four Seasons Cyprus will ensure that all new employees are provided with appropriate induction and training. This will cover such areas as company philosophy and culture, product knowledge, employee welfare and benefits, reward & recognition, health and safety and much more.

5. Development and Promotion
All employees of the Four Seasons Cyprus will be encouraged to further develop their skills and opportunities for promotion will be provided wherever possible. All employees will have individual objectives, and individual appraisals and development plans will be agreed with managers/supervisors to review objectives and agree new targets.

6. Protection of Rights
Aside from safeguarding the rights of our employees, the hotel management believes we have an obligation to contribute to a just and fair society. We respect the rights of children and demonstrate through training and briefing of our staff and our clients the implementation of child-related legislation and the support of organizations, institutions and events which promote the protection of children’s rights and all forms of exploitation.

7. Communication
We are committed to utilizing our new Hotel Intranet, the Facebook closed group page for Muskita hotels, the staff Bravo system, display screens in staff restaurant and sms/social media messaging, as our various communication forums for all staff who work at the hotel to keep them updated with the hotels news, policies and commitments and to enable them to keep in touch with each other in a paper free dynamic environment.

Signed: Andreas Loizou, Human resources and Quality Director

Written Community Policy Statement

It is the commitment of The Four Seasons Cyprus to ensure attention is given to how its operations impact upon the local residential and business community.
We will work to ensure that the Four Seasons Hotel has positive social and economic impacts, and wherever possible minimize or eliminate instances of negative impacts.

The primary goals related to our Community Policy are therefore as follows:

1. Certification
In order to satisfy broader sustainability criteria including the socio-economic impacts and staff welfare, Travelife Gold award standard will be re-certificated.

2. Promotion of Responsible Tourism in the Area
The Four Seasons Cyprus is a member of the Cyprus Marine Environment Protection Agency (CYMEPA) The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) The Limassol Branding Project and other forums. We aim to ensure that through these forums we are able to promote and improve greater economic and social benefits for the residential and business community.
The Hotel also works with local schools, colleges and upon request to provide familiarization tours and work experience opportunities. For non-competing local businesses, we also offer knowledge sharing and expertise.

3. Purchasing
Whilst ensuring that quality of our product or commercial feasibility is not compromised, we aim to purchase and promote produce from the local area. This will help reduce CO2 emissions from transportation. Wherever possible, we always pay our suppliers on time within mutually agreed credit terms.

4. Employment
The hotel recognizes the importance of recruiting local people as employees, understanding that the majority of wages will therefore be spent locally, and providing secondary economic benefit to other businesses in the community. Additionally, it recognizes the long-term importance of local residents staying within the community, rather than having to seek employment elsewhere. We believe this policy helps preserve the vital community fabric that forms part of our unique hospitality product in Cyprus.

5. Donations and Charity
It is the policy of the Four Seasons Cyprus that whenever items such as furniture or linen are no longer suitable for use within the hotel, it will offer these items to local organisations that may benefit from them (e.g. schools, local hospitals, community groups, care homes etc). The hotel also actively supports no less than eight local charities in many different ways and also the local community by the provision of in-kind support, such as auction prizes, etc. The hotel also frequently considers sponsorship of local sports teams and provision of meeting space at subsidised or no costs for local charities.

6. Local culture & Tradition
The hotel regularly promotes local traditions and culture to its multinational guests so that we can ensure they have good knowledge of them. This is done by means of live presentation of local arts & crafts and by organised excursions to traditional villages, wineries, religious venues etc.

Signed: Nick Aristou, Executive Director, Four Seasons Cyprus

Written Policy Statement for Child Protection 2022-2025

It is the commitment of the Four Seasons Cyprus that it is always unacceptable for a child or young person to experience abuse of any kind and recognizes its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people, by a commitment to practices which protect them.

We recognize that:

The welfare of the child/young person is paramount
All children, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation, or identity, have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, caregivers, and their agencies is essential in promoting young people's welfare. This will include working with schools, school officials, police establishments and governments in Cyprus and in their home countries, if necessary.

The purpose of the policy:
To provide protection for the children and young people who receive services at the hotel, including the children of adults we work with. To provide staff with guidance on procedures they should adopt in the event that they suspect a child or young person may be experiencing, or be at risk of, harm to themselves or from others. This policy applies to all staff, including senior managers, contractors, or anyone working on behalf of the hotel.

We will seek to safeguard children and young people by:
Valuing them, listening to and respecting them adopting child protection guidelines through procedures and a code of conduct for staff recruiting staff safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made.

  • - Sharing information about child protection and good practice with children, parents & staff.
  • - Sharing information about concerns with agencies who need to know and involving parents and children appropriately.
  • - Providing effective management for staff through supervision, support, and training.

Cyprus Culture & Religion

Cyprus is a small island with a long history and a rich culture that spans 11.000 years, making it one of the oldest civilisations in the Mediterranean - as evidenced by the many fascinating cultural sights, museums, monuments, and monasteries. Situated at the crossroads of three continents - Europe, Asia, and Africa - the island’s unique geographic position has played an important part in its turbulent past since antiquity. Its Prehistoric Age inhabitants were joined 3,500 years ago by the Mycenaean Greeks, who introduced and established their civilisation, thus permanently instilling the island’s Greek roots. Many other cultures followed thereafter, including Phoenicians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Romans, Franks, Venetians, Ottomans and British, who all left behind visible remnants of their presence, and have thus created a mosaic of different cultures and periods.

The island is an open-air museum of prehistoric settlements, classical Greek temples, Roman theatres and villas, Early Christian basilicas, Byzantine churches and monasteries, Crusader castles, Gothic cathedrals, Venetian fortifications, Moslem mosques, and British colonial-style buildings. The old ways of life, customs and traditions are still beautifully preserved in the rural villages, and interesting elements of the island are captured in the many museums and galleries. It is not surprising then that UNESCO includes a number of the island’s sights on its list of World Heritage Sites.

The preservation of these historical sites and riches is of the upmost priority for the island and for us a key stakeholder in the island’s tourism product. With this in mind we would like to advise and remind all our guests that when visiting any of the above mentioned cultural and religious sites to please respect the local customs, dress codes in places of worship and to protect local historical, archaeological, culturally, and spiritually important buildings and places. When visiting Cyprus, you will never have to look far to find a piece of its history and culture, whether you want to discover more about the traditions of the island, or immerse yourself in its captivating past. For any further information or for advice on excursions please contact our concierge.

Click here to read our sustainability report.

Allergen Management Policy

The hotel manages allergenic products, such as fish, sushi, dairy, nuts, cereals, and their derivatives, which can create conditions for contamination. Therefore, while the hotel cannot guarantee a completely allergen-free environment, it is committed to the following:
• Minimizing the risk of exposure to allergens.
• Encouraging customers to take responsibility for their own food allergies.
• Planning an effective response to potential emergencies related to allergen exposure.
Recognizing the importance of protecting customers with food allergies, the hotel has established this policy to comply with best practices, ensuring that customers can enjoy the food provided with minimal risk.

Policy Objectives:
• Promote awareness among staff about food allergens and ensure they understand the potential risks.
• Provide clear guidance to all staff on their responsibilities when serving food to customers with allergies.
• Ensure appropriate training and education for staff on food allergies and allergen management.

To achieve these objectives, the hotel has implemented a Food Safety Management System (FMS) in accordance with the ISO 22000 Standard. This includes applying HACCP principles and an Allergen Management process to analyze and manage allergen risks during all stages, including receipt, storage, production, and serving. This system takes into account sensitive consumers, current legislation, and new scientific data to ensure:
• Prevention of cross-contamination, safeguarding the health of individuals with sensitivities to allergens.
• Accurate labeling of products that contain or may contain allergenic substances.
In all aspects of food preparation, the hotel complies with allergy information provided by suppliers and relevant legislation to verify the ingredients of products. To this end:
• All food is prepared, stored, and presented in accordance with high standards of food hygiene and allergy regulations.
• Staff are fully trained to understand food allergies, carefully use ingredients, and prevent cross-contamination.
• The hotel maintains and regularly updates a "List of Allergenic Products or Made with Allergens" and encourages customer feedback on the clarity of the provided information.
The responsibility for implementing this policy rests with the General Manager, who is committed to ensuring compliance.